
Microwave drying of selected greens and their sensory characteristics

A. Fathima, K. Begum and D. Rajalakshmi

Plant Foods for Human Nutrition (Formerly Qualitas Plantarum) 56 (4): 303-311. 2001.



Microwave drying of selected greens and their sensory characteristics Green leafy vegetables which supply minerals and vitamins to the diet,are highly perishable. Therefore, post harvest losses are extremely high. Limited studies are available in the literature with regard to preservation of greens.The effect of microwave drying and storage o­n physical and sensory properties of selected greens (coriander, mint, fenugreek, amaranth and shepu) were therefore studied. Microwave drying was carried out at 100% power and a frequency of 2450 mHz. The drying time varied from 10 to 16 min for different greens. Microwave drying affected color, appearance and odor of all the greens. The relative reconstitution capacity (RRC) for different greens was coriander-10.3, mint-10.3, amaranth-38.3, fenugreek-31.7 and shepu-32.8. The RRC appeared to influence acceptability. Coriander and mint, which exhibited the lowest RRC (10.3%), had the lowest scores for flavor and color while amaranth, with the highest RRC (38.3%), had scores similar to those of fresh amaranth. Scores for the products prepared with dried fenugreek and shepu, although low, were not statistically significant. Microwave drying was highly suitable for greens such as amaranth; moderately suitable for shepu and fenugreek and less suitable for coriander and mint.