
Status and sustainable development countermeasures of the lemon industry in Dehong Prefecture, China

Yue J.Q., Gao J.Y., Yang E.C., Li J.X. and Zhu C.H.

Program and Abstracts, 11th International Citrus Congress (ISC Congress), 26-20 October 2008, Wuhan, China. 333 pages.



Status and sustainable development countermeasures of the lemon industry in Dehong Prefecture, China

Lemon industry has developed to a considerable scale in Dehong state, where the ecological environment is most favorable for the growth of lemon. This paper addressed the current status and problems existing in development lemon industry and offered some countermeasures and solutions. The development of lemon industry has made good progress at present. Supported by the government and citrus experts, it takes shape the large scale with 3333.3 hm2industry base, plants to develop 6666.7 hm2 and 100 thousand ton yields in 2010, at the same tine, there has been established modern and intensive lemon plant processing capacity of 100 thousand ton fruits, which would result in serial processed productions to meet market needs. In addition, the local government attaches importance to develop lemon as a characteristic, key and perspective industry. However, main problems existed, such as poor management and marketing, imperfect cooperative organization and long-term, sustainable technical support shortage. Attempts has been carried out to solve these problems, for example, a ‘Hongrui’ brand of common and off-season fresh lemon has been established and may contribute to a sustainable development of lemon industry in the area.