
Mycoflora of pomegranate fruits.

K. Grigoryan, H. Lusine and B. Gohar.

Journal of Plant Pathology Volume 90 (2, Supplement) August 2008, Book of Abstract, 9th International Congress of Plant Pathology, August 24-29, 2008 Torino,Italy,. 507 pages.



Mycoflora of pomegranate fruits.

Juice made from raw materials highly contaminated by filamentousfungi area risk for consumer health. The basic purposeof this research was to study the mycobiota of pomegranate fruitsin the post-harvest period and determine the specific and dominatingspecies of filamentous fungi. During the years 2005-2007we studied more than 300 samples of pomegranate fruits fromIran,Afghanistan,AzerbaijanandArmenia. Pomegranate often iscontaminated byPenicilliumspecies from the sectionsMonoverticillataandBiverticillata, among whichP. implicatumBiourge andP. variabileSopp are the most typical pathogenic species.The basicroute of contamination of fruits withP. implicatumand otherspecies are the stamens, with further penetration of micromycetesinto the fruit. This species is characterised by high growth rate o­na substrate, and in most cases in a fruit there is monopoly developmentof this species with contamination index =1. Contaminationof pomegranates with this fungus was not found to depend o­n thevariety, climato-geographical conditions or country of origin.