
In vitro tests and field trials to assess the efficacy of a natural fungicide to control airborne strawberry diseases in Huelva (Southwestern Spain).

C. Blanco, B. de los Santos and F. Romero.

Journal of Plant Pathology Volume 90 (2, Supplement) August 2008, Book of Abstract, 9th International Congress of Plant Pathology, August 24-29, 2008 Torino,Italy,. 507 pages.



In vitro tests and field trials to assess the efficacy of a natural fungicide to control airborne strawberry diseases in Huelva (Southwestern Spain).

Strawberry (Fragaria x ananassaDuch.) is a worldwide crop.TheHuelvaprovince (south-westernSpain) is o­ne of the most important production area inEurope, withan acreageof more than 7,000 ha and a total production over 237,773 t in 2005.Powdery mildew (causal agentSphaerotheca macularis) and grey mould (causal agentBotrytis cinerea) are two of the most important airborne strawberry diseases. Powdery mildew has been described in all areas were strawberries are grown and was confirmed in south-westernSpainin 2002, reaching yield losses of 40%. Symptoms affect aerial parts of the plant. Disease control relies o­n application of chemical fungicides and sulphur. Grey mould is also widely present in strawberry crops, causing great yield losses and affecting fruit in post-harvest storage. Disease control strategies rely o­n application of chemical fungicides. DEFENDÒis a natural product with fungicide activity.In vitrotests showed 100% growth inhibition forB. cinerea.During the 2006-2007 strawberry growing seasons, DEFENDÒwas used to control powdery mildew and grey mould at an experimental farm inHuelva. Its efficacy was compared to strawberry Integrated Production management (IP) fungicide schedules. Marketable fruit yield and incidence of both diseases were not statistically different o­n plants treated with DEFENDÒthan o­n plants under the IP management. This is valuable preliminary work to assess the product as an alternative to chemical treatments in order to reduce chemical inputs o­n IP strawberry crops.