
Post-harvest disease: effects of the physiological age of bananas on their susceptibility to wound anthracnose cansed by Colletotrichum musae

M. Chillet, O. Hubert and L. De Lapeyre

Program and Abstracts, Banana 2008, Banana and plantain in Africa: Harnessing international partnerships to increase research impact, Leisure Lodge Resort, Mombasa, Kenya, 5-9 October 2008. 198 pages.



Post-harvest disease: effects of the physiological age of bananas on their susceptibility to wound anthracnose cansed by Colletotrichum musae

Wound anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum, and early ripening are the main problems affecting he quality of export bananas from a lot of countries in the world. In the case of Guadeloupe in French West Indies, these problems generally concern bananas grown in lowland plantations during the rainy season. Three experiments were carried out to study the influence of the physiological age of bananas (calculated o­n the basis of mean daily temperature sums) o­n their susceptibility to anthracnose. Stressful growing conditions, especially soil flooding, slowed fruit growth but had no direct effect o­n fruit susceptibility to C. e or o­n the green life. However, fruit that had accumulated lower temperature sums were less susceptible to wound anthracnose. By varying the source-sink ratio, we show that bananas of the same grade but different physiological ages had markedly different susceptibility to C. e. Bananas with the same temperature sum accumulation but grown in different soil-climate conditions had different levels of susceptibility. Fruit grown in cooler, highland areas were less susceptible to C. e than fruit of the same physiological age from lowland plantations. Our results suggest that temperature sum accumulation rate is a critical factor affecting the susceptibility of bananas to the pathogen.