
Hot water dipping induced chilling resistance of harvested banana fruit

Hai-bo Wang, Zhao-qi Zhang, Xue-mei Huang, Yue-ming Jiang, Xue-qun Pang

ISHS Acta Horticulturae 804:513-522. 2008.



Hot water dipping induced chilling resistance of harvested banana fruit

Banana fruit are highly susceptible to chilling injury during storage at low temperature. The effects of hot water dipping (HWD) o­n chilling injury index, cell membrane permeability, H2O2 content, and changes in activities of catalase (CAT), ascorbate peroxidase (APX), and Ca2+-ATPase of harvested banana fruit were investigated. Banana fruit were dipped for 3 min. into hot water at 52°C and then stored at 7°C for 10 days. The chilling injury index of banana fruit stored at 7°C gradually increased. Application of HWD reduced the chilling injury of the fruit, suggesting it’s putative role in increasing chilling resistance. This increased chilling resistance by HWD was further examined. HWD-treated banana fruit exhibited lower levels of membrane permeability and H2O2 content, and higher activities of CAT and APX in peel tissues. It was also found that HWD induced the activity of Ca2+-ATPase of banana fruit, implying the possible involvement of calcium signaling in increased chilling resistance of the fruit.