
An alternative to extending postharvest quality of Dendrobium Water Oumae (4N) inflorescences using 1-MCP fumigation

K. Obsuwan, A. Uthairatanakij

ISHS Acta Horticulturae804:297-302 . 2008.



An alternative to extending postharvest quality of Dendrobium Water Oumae (4N) inflorescences using 1-MCP fumigation

1-Methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) gas has been reported to delay plant senescence. The effect of 1-MCP o­n the postharvest quality and display-life of Dendrobium Water Oumae (4N) was investigated. Sprays of Dendrobium Water Oumae (4N) were harvested with 4-5 open florets. They were placed in sealed plastic containers and fumigated with 1-MCP at 100, 200 or 400 nL.L-1 at 25°C for 1.5 h compared to unfumigated flower (control). Thereafter, they were transferred and held in a vase solution containing 2% glucose + 150 mg.L-1 8-HQS and treated with 1-MCP at 400 nL.L-1 reduced flower wilting. All concentrations of 1-MCP (100, 200, 400 nL.L-1) significantly reduced flower abscission. However, 1-MCP did not affect water uptake of orchid sprays compared to the control. Sprays treated with 1-MCP had longer display life (30 days compared to 26 days for the control). In conclusion, 1-MCP fumigation may be used as an alternative for extending the postharvest quality of orchid inflorescences before export or transport to customer.