
The building knowledge about the anemone harvest and its modelling

C. Norman, P.A. Alvarez, O.M. Mories, C. Ortega

ISHS Acta Horticulturae 802:431-434. 2008.



The building knowledge about the anemone harvest and its modelling

In order to know the present situation of the fishery of the anemone Anemonia sulcata in the Granadian coast, and evaluate the availability of the resource, the distribution of the existing resource in the province has been mapped based o­n the population density considered in the studied area, using data of sampling series in which by direct observation throughout 75.83 km of the Granadian coast the infracoastal zone of depths between the ranks of: 0 and -3, -3 and -6, -6 and -10, (respectively each 250-500 m. of coast during a time of three years), has been inspected. At the end of this period of time, that includes the years 2000/2001 and 2007, a comparative study between the sampled data has been made. With the results of this study we can consider that Anemonia sulcata is an abundant specie in the Granadian coast, and the population has increased respect of the 2000/2007. The fishery is commercially operateable and its consumption is extending more and more, being appreciated in the Granadian coast and in other coastal provinces and interior; reason why we are trying to promote its reasonable and effective management and trade, because of its great interest for the Granadian coast.