
Research on the interaction CO2/ACC oxidase in pear fruit tissue

B. Vioque, J.M. García, J.M. Castellano

ISHS Acta Horticulturae 796:105-110. 2008.



Research on the interaction CO2/ACC oxidase in pear fruit tissue

Pear is a climacteric fruit in which ripening is regulated by the plant hormone ethylene. High levels of carbon dioxide are currently used to inhibit ethylene biosynthesis and/or action and in consequence to retard the fruit ripening. The mechanism of the CO2 action is still not fully understood. However, it has become apparent that ACC oxidase, the last key enzyme in the ethylene biosynthesis pathway, could be a target for CO2. The aim of this research is to advance in the knowledge of the complex interaction CO2/ACC oxidase in pear fruit. This work, carried out o­n ‘Blanquilla’ pear, reveals that the response of in vivo ACC oxidase activity to CO2 is modulated among other factors by the pH and ripening stage of the tissue. The results also indicate that ACC oxidase seems not to be the primary action site of CO2 in the inhibition of the autocatalytic ethylene production.