
Gas exchanges in 1-methylcyclopropene treated 'Abbé Fétel' pears during storage in different atmospheres

A. Rizzolo, M. Vanoli, M. Grassi, P. Eccher Zerbini

ISHS Acta Horticulturae 796:143-146. 2008.



Gas exchanges in 1-methylcyclopropene treated 'Abbé Fétel' pears during storage in different atmospheres

Gas exchange rates were studied in ‘Abbé Fètel’ pears in relation to 1-MCP treatment (300 ppb) and storage atmosphere at -0.5°C (normal atmosphere, NA; controlled atmosphere, CA: 2 kPa O2 + 0.7 kPa CO2; dynamic low-O2 controlled atmosphere, DLOCA: 0.7 kPa O2 + 0.3 kPa CO2). O2, CO2, ethylene and ethane were measured in different concentrations of O2 (0, 0.1, 0.5, 2 and 21 kPa) and CO2 (0 and 5 kPa) at -0.5°C, after 4 months storage. 1-MCP treated pears from all storage environments and control fruit stored in DLOCA showed aerobic respiration at pO2 as low as 0.5 kPa, where control fruit stored in NA and CA showed anaerobic respiration. 1-MCP greatly reduced ethylene production rate (EP). In control fruit, maximum EP was achieved in conditions similar to those of the storage atmospheres, while in the lower O2 (for NA stored fruit) or higher CO2 (for CA and DLOCA stored fruit) EP was impaired. With 5 kPa CO2, ethane production rate (EthaP) was high in all fruit whatever the storage condition, 1-MCP treatment and pO2. With 0 kPa CO2, EthaP was lower with a maximum at 0.1 kPa O2; in control fruit EthaP was absent at O2 2 kPa, while in 1-MCP treated pears low levels of ethane were produced even in 21 kPa O2.