
Colour changes during hot air-drying of chestnuts osmotically pre-treated with sodium chloride solutions

R. Moreira, F. Chenlo, L. Chaguri

ISHS Acta Horticulturae 784:55-60. 2008.



Colour changes during hot air-drying of chestnuts osmotically pre-treated with sodium chloride solutions

Colour changes of chestnuts during air-drying at different temperatures were determined. Influence of different peelings o­n colour kinetics was also analyzed. The results showed that values of L* and b* parameters decreased and a* parameter increased during drying. o­n the other hand, peeling conducted to different colour kinetics. Previous osmotic treatment with salt solution drying increases the colour quality in comparison to samples without osmotic treatment in the case of removing of rough surface of cotyledon.