
Implementation of food safety standards in fruits and vegetables cooperation

L.J.C.M. Peeters

ISHS Acta Horticulturae 741:25-29. 2007.



Implementation of food safety standards in fruits and vegetables cooperation

Mechelen Auction is the largest fruit and vegetables cooperation in Europe. Up to 2500 members of the cooperation are producing some 285.000 ton of fresh produce a year. Since 1995 Mechelen Auction is working with a local GAP scheme called FLANDRIA which is mandatory for the vaste majority of the production (over 80%). Following the break through of international GAP standards such as EUREPGAP, the local standard and the international o­ne are merged into a single controle system.The so called FLANDRIAGAP scheme. Operating unter “option 2“ quality management system the quality and GAP controle points are controlled at least o­nce a year; the external control is organised via an accredited CB. The merging of several GAP schemes is very cost effective for the grower as well as for the PMO since this induces “the o­ne stop check “policy o­n farm level. Furthermore the merged system allowes to implement and controle multiple goals unther the same umbrella. GAP control points are included o­n the same level as produce quality control, calibration, food safety monitoring programmes and standardised packing. The FLANDRIAGAP family extended in the past 10 years to more then 50 produce specific manuals. In conclusion: large cooperation is in a good position to introduce, support and maintain high standards of food quality.