
Apricot cultivars and cold storage affect the total antioxidant capacity and glutathione content in fruit

S. Bartolini, R. Viti, G.C. Zanol

ISHS Acta Horticulturae 717: 359-362. 2006.



Apricot cultivars and cold storage affect the total antioxidant capacity and glutathione content in fruit

Fresh vegetables and fruits contain a significant amount of biologically-active components that prevent the formation or reduce the level of free radicals in the body. The aim of this research was to evaluate the Total Antioxidant Capacity (TAC) and the glutathione content in apricot fruits (Prunus armeniaca L.), for different maturing stages and cold-storage times. Three apricot cultivars were tested at different maturity times: ’San Castrese’, ‘Farmingdale’, and ‘Rapareddu’. The cultivars showed differences in TAC and glutathione levels, related to fruit developmental stage and cold-storage time.