
Gas diffusion properties at different positions in the pear

Q. Tri Ho, Bert E. Verlinden, Pieter Verboven and Bart M. Nicolaï

Postharvest Biology and Technology, Volume 41, Issue 2 , August 2006, Pages 113-120



Gas diffusion properties at different positions in the pear

 Gas transport properties of fruit are important for understanding the internal atmosphere during controlled atmosphere storage. The gas diffusivities at different positions in the pear were determined using a measurement set-up with optical sensors. In addition, the effect of temperature, picking date and browning-inducing conditions o­n the diffusion properties of pear fruit tissue were studied. The diffusivities of O2 and CO2 were low at the skin with values of (1.86 ± 0.78) × 1010 and (5.06 ± 3.15) × 1010 m2/s. Along the equatorial radial direction of the pear, gas diffusivities in the cortex tissue were almost constant with an average of (2.22 ± 0.28) × 1010 and (2.32 ± 0.21) × 109 m2/s for O2 and CO2 diffusivities, respectively, while diffusivities were much higher in the core of the pear. Results showed that the diffusivities of gas in the tissue along the vertical axis of the pear were (11.1 ± 7.2) × 1010 and (6.97 ± 3.79) × 109 m2/s for O2 and CO2 diffusivities, respectively. Gas diffusion properties in the vertical axis were higher than along the equatorial radius axis direction. The O2 diffusivity was not influenced by temperature while temperature had a statistically significant effect o­n CO2 diffusivity although small compared to its biological variable. Picking date had no effect o­n the gas diffusivities. Diffusivities in brown tissue of disordered pears were smaller than in sound tissue irrespective of whether the sound tissue came from a healthy or a disordered pear.