
Inheritance of resistance to Aspergillus ear rot and afltoxin production of corn from C12.


Plant Disease 85: 322 – 327.



Inheritance of resistance to Aspergillus ear rot and afltoxin production of corn from C12.

The types and magnitude of gene action, estimated heritabilities and predicted gain from selection for resistance to Aspergillus ear rot and aflatoxin production in the cross of resistant corn inbred C12 to susceptible inbred B73 in 1998 and 1999 were studied. The warm, dry summer of 1998 favoured aflatoxin production, whereas the conditions of 1999 did not. Resistance to ear rot was mainly controlled by additive gene action. Resistance to aflatoxin production was mainly controlled by epistasis in 1998 and by additive gene action in 1999. Heritabilities for ear rot and aflatoxin production were higher in the F – 3 generation than in the BCP1 – selfed generation. C12 was not an acceptable source of resistance due to lower heritabilities and disease resistance compared to other sources of resistance.