
Fumonisin B1 –nonproducing strains of Fusarium verticillioides Cause maize (Zea mays) ear infection and earrot.

Desjardins, A.E. and Plattner, R.D.

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry48: 5773-5780.



Fumonisin B1 –nonproducing strains of Fusarium verticillioides Cause maize (Zea mays) ear infection and earrot.

The role of various fumonisins in phthogenesis on maize under field conditions was tested using strains of Fusarium verticillioides. One strain producing FB1, FB2 and FB3, one strain producing only FB3 and one fumonisin nonproducing strain were applied to ears via the silk channel and on seeds at planting. Disease severity on the harvested ears was evaluated by visible symptoms ears was evaluated by visible symptoms and by weight percent symptomatic kernels. All three FB1 nonproducing strains were able to infect ears following either silk channel application or seed application at planting and were as effective as the FB1 producing strain in causing ear rot following silk channel application.