
The effect of fungal competition on colonization of maize grain by Fusarium monilifome, F. proliferatum and F.graminearum and on fumonisin B1 and zearalenone formation.


International Journal of Food Microbiology 59: 59-66



The effect of fungal competition on colonization of maize grain by Fusarium monilifome, F. proliferatum and F.graminearum and on fumonisin B1 and zearalenone formation.

The effects of water activity (0.98,0.95,0.93) and temperature      (15,25 °C) on fungal growth and toxin production were determined when isolates of /Fusarium moniliforme   and  F. proliferatum producing fumonisin and an isolate of F. graminearum producing ZEA were incubated at the same time on ieeadiated maize grains. Populations (CFUs) of F. moniliforme and F. proliferatum were reduced to some extent by the presence of F. graminearum under all conditions tested,  while the presence of F. moniliforme or F. proliferatum had a minor inhibitory effrct on populations of F. graminearum. FB1 production by F. proliferatum was inhibited under all conditions tested while production by F.moniliforme  was inhibited at 15 ° C and echanced at 25 °C in the presence of f. graminearum. ZEA production was not significantly affected  in the presence of F. moniliforme and F. proliferatum.