
Effect of climate and type of storage container on aflatoxin production in corn and its associated risks to wildife species.


Journal of Wildlife Diseases 36:172-179.



Effect of climate and type of storage container on aflatoxin production in corn and its associated risks to wildife species.

The effects of grain storage containers on aflatoxin production, and the relationship between the level of aflatoxin and the number and weight of fluorescing kernels were deter-mined in corn stored in controlled climate regimes.  Samples were held up to 3 months using four types of storage containers (metal cans,paper bags,plastic bags and paper bage placed in plastic bags) and four climates (29-32ºC and  14-18ºC; relative humidities 85-88% and 35-40%). Aflatoxin was produced regardless of  type of storage container, time of storage and climatic conditions.  However, only 8% of the samples produced aflatoxin levels that exceeded 50 µg/kg.  Fluorescing corn ranged from 0 to 19 kernels per sample, while aflatoxin levels ranged from 0 to 1.375 µg/kg for the  same samples.  No relationships were found between the number and weight of fluorescing kernels of corn and aflatoxin levels.