
The relationship of gin date to aflatoxin contamination of cottonseed in Arizona.

Boch, C.H. and Cotty, P.J.

Plant Disease 83: 279-285.



The relationship of gin date to aflatoxin contamination of cottonseed in Arizona.

During 1995 and 1996, a commercial gin in western Arizona ginned seed cotton on a field by field basis. Seed from each field was sampled and analysed for aflatoxin content. Regression analysis indicated significant relationships between gin date and aflatoxin content in both years with aflatoxin increased with later ginning. Overall, 89 and 1995 and 1996, respectively. Means separation confirmed later ginned crops had significantly greater aflatoxin content. In 1996, transgenic Bt and non-Bt cottonseed were similarly contaminated. Mean aflatoxin content of Bt cottonseed in 1996 was 413mg/kg in 1995 and 1996, respectively. Means separation confirmed later ginned crops had significantly greater aflatoxin content. In 1996, transgenic Bt and non-Bt cottonseed were similarly contaminated. Mean aflatoxin content of Bt cottonseed in 1996 was 413mg/kg.