
Estimating aflatoxin in farmers’ stock peanut lots by measuring aflatoxin in various peanut-grade components.

Whitaker, T.B., Hagler, W.M., Giesbrecht, F.G., Dorner, J.W., Dowell, F.E. and Cole, R.J.

Journal of AOAC International 81 : 61-67.



Estimating aflatoxin in farmers’ stock peanut lots by measuring aflatoxin in various peanut-grade components.

Test samples were taken from farmers’ stock peanut lots contaminated with aflatoxin and kernels were divided into the following grade componenrs: sound mature kernels plus sound splats (SMKSS), other kernels (OK), loose shelled kernels (LSK), and damaged kernels (DAM).  Aflatoxins in SMKSS, OK, LSK and DAM components represented 7, 8, 33 and 52% of the total aflatoxin mass, respectively.  Cumulatively, three aflatoxin risk components OK, LSK, and DAM accounted for 93% of total aflatoxin, but only 18% percent of test sample mass.  Correlation analysis suggests that the most accurate predictor of aflatoxin concentration in the lot is the cumulative aflatoxin mass in the high three risk components OK + LSK + DAM.  Linear regression equations relating aflatoxin in OK + LSK + DAM to aflatoxin concentration in the lot were developed.  The cumulative aflatoxin in the OK + LSK + DAM components was not an accurate predictor of aflatoxin in the SMKSS component.