

สิริมา เกียรติศรีชาติ วุฒิศักดิ์ แสงศิวฤทธิ์ แสงศิวฤทธิ์ นงนุช รักสกุลไทย

วารสารการประมง 43(1) : 51-56




Natural and liquid smoking ofstripedcatfish , chub mackerel ,squid and green mussel were compared. The appropriate concentrations of brine for salting of striped catfish chub mackerel, squid and green mussel were 15,20,15 and 5% respectively, and the appropriate times were 7,30,10 and 4 minutes, respectively. The suitable concentrations and chub mackerel; 6% and 15 minutes for squid; and 1% and 2 minutes for green mussel.The acceptability scores of both natural and liquid smoked catfish , chub mackerel and green mussel were not significantly different in color, flavor, odor texture and overall acceptability. The scores for squid were not significantly different in color, flavor, texture and overall acceptability but were significantly different in odor (P 0.05)