

แสงไทย พจน์สมพงส์

รายงานวิชาการและการทดลองประจำปี 2525-2526 กองพัฒนาอุตสาหกรรมสัตว์น้ำ กรมประมง หน้า 87-92




To introduce proper handling method of tuna o­n drift gill net vessels by the use of returnable container instead of bulk handling, the design of container was mad and described as follows:

1)The Container was a stack/nest type with inside measurements of the top 54 – 56 cm long by 34 – 36 cm wide and the bottom are 51 – 52 cm long by 31 – 32 cm wide with a height of 23 – 24 cm.Out side measurement of the top should not exceed 65 cm in length.The volume of the container was 40 – 46 liters with capacity of 15 – 25 kg fish depending o­n the amount of ice to be used.This size has been proved to be most suitable for tuna handling.

2)Apart from the size of container as above mentioned, the construction of the contain should be considered other characteristics such as it should be designed to withstand rough handling and fierce gravitational forces caused by vessel motion and designed for good drainage and made from plastic which has enough strength.