

แสงไทย พจน์สมพงส์ สุเมธ สุพิชญางกูร และ ศิโรจน์ ดุละลัมพะ

รายงานผลการปฏิบัติงานประจำปี 2524 กองพัฒนาอุตสาหกรรมสัตว์น้ำกรมประมง หน้า 52-56




An experiment o­n the dehydration of squid by the use of mechanical fish dryer was carried out for the purpose of efficiency test of the dryer and drying factors study.The results were summarized as follows:1.The dryer was modified and developed until it could produce warm air of 44°C and 20-160 meters/minute air speed,The temperature in the chamber decreased to 40° while it was raining.

2.The physical factors suitable for drying squid in the rainy season were 40°C temperature, 45% relative humidity and 20-260 meters/minute air speed.

3.The squid was successfully dried within 11-15 hours depending o­n size while the squid in the atmospheric condition was unsuccessfully dried and finally spoiled.The temperature of the atmosphere was 28.8°C and the relative humidity was 82%.

4.The finished product contained 22-23% moisture.The proportion of the raw squid to the driedsquid was 5 : 1 (by weight).