
Oleocellosis of Navel Oranges under the Microscope.

T. Knight, A. Klieber, and M. Sedgley

International Citrus Congress (9th : 2000 : Orlando, Florida), 2003. p. 1127-1128.



Oleocellosis of Navel Oranges under the Microscope.

The citrus rind disorder oleocellosis results from the action of rind oils on the fruit surface. When ruptured, oil glands located in the flavedo layer of the rind release oils to the fruit surface. The disorder can be induced by physical damage to the fruit or by surface oil application. On the surface, symptom development is characterised by tissue collapse between the glands, followed by tissue darkening. Light microscopy shows that surface oil seeps into the rind tissue between the glands, causing cell plasmolysis. Cell collapse follows, initially located in a sub-epidermal region but often extending to all oil damaged cells from the epidermis downwards as the disorder develops.