
‘Sunhong’, a new apple with large red fruits and high sugar content

Jeong-Hwan Hwang , Yong-Uk Shin, Kwan-Jeong Song, ll-Sheob Shin and Whee-Cheon Kim

Program of the XXVIth International Horticultural Congress, August 11-17, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 575 p.



'Sunhong' , A New Apple with Large Red Fruits and High Sugar Content

A promising new apple cultivar, ‘Sunhong’, was released from NHRI of Korea in 2000. This cultivar was finally selected from the cross combination between ‘Hongro’ and ‘Chukwang’ crossed in 1992 after regional adaptability test at 7 different places from 1998 to 2000. It has medium tree vigor and spreasing branching habit and bears abundant flower buds on many spurs and axillary buds. This variety has no pre-harvest drop. Harvest time of this variety is late August, 5 days earilier than that of ‘Tsugaru’ in Suwon. Fruit shape is round conical and skin color is bright red. Fruit size is large weighing 300-350 g on an average and its fruits have 14-15% soluble solid and now acidity. The storable period at 4 oC is about 2 months. It is susceptible to Alternaria leaf spot (Alternaria mali Roberts) and Glomerella biter rot (Glomerella cingulata Spauld. Et Schr.). a slight crack occurs at the base or apex part of fruits on over ripened large fruits. Low nitrogen fertilization is recommended to avoid the fruit growing too big and early flower thinning is necessary to keep the tree growing with vigor. Sunhong is expected to repected to replace ‘Tsugaru’ owing to its better fruit quality compared with ‘Tsugaru’ which now is a main early ripening apple variety in Korea.