
Chlorophyll fluorescence and chilling injury of green pepper as affected by storage conditions

R. Kosson

ISHS Acta Horticulturae 628: 379-385.



Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Chilling Injury of Green Pepper as Affected by Storage Conditions

The symptoms of early stages of chilling injury-a physiological disorder of green pepper fruit stored at low but non-freezing temperatures-can be monitored using the chlorophyll fluorescence technique. The effect of storage of green pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) at 1 0C, 4 0C and 8 0C for 18 days on chlorophyll fluorescence parameters and chilling injury occurrence on fruit was investigated. ‘Roxy F1’ green pepper fruit were grown in non-heated plastic tunnel in soil and harvested at mature-green stage. After harvest fruit were stored in perforated PE bags, non-perforated PE bags or without bags. At 3-6 days intervals, the chilling injury symptoms were evaluated and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters (Fo, Fm, Fv, Fv/Fm) were measured at the storage temperature and after 2 hours of warming to room temperature, as well as after additional 3 days of shelf life at room temperature. The results showed a gradual decrease of Fv/Fm fluorescence from 0.85 for fresh-harvested pepper to 0.55 after 3 days of storage at 1 0C and to 0.45 after 18 days of storage for both packaged and non-packaged fruit. There were no differences in rate of Fv/Fm decrease between pepper stored in nonperforated bags, perforated bags and without packaging. The earliest visible symptoms of chilling injury were observed on non-packaged pepper after 6 days of storage at 10C or after 3 days at 10C and additional 3 days at room temperature. Packaging of pepper significantly delayed chilling injury occurrence, up to 18th day of storage at 10C .