
Apple volatile recovery following 1-methylcyclopropene treatment

A. Ferenczi , S. Jayanty and R.M. Beaudry

Proceedings of 26th International Horticultural Congress. Volume of Abstract . Toronto, Canada, 11-17 August, 2002. Abstract S09-P-45. pp. 238.



Apple Volatile Recovery Following 1-Methylcyclopropene Treatment

Aroma production is an ethylene dependent process. The ethylene action inhibitor, 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) prevents ethylene action and suppresses the formation of aroma-related volatiles. The relationship between 1-MCP application and volatile recovery for fruit stored in refrigerated air was studied for ‘Jonanold’ apple fruit. Fruit were harvested just prior to the onset of autocatalytic ethylene production. Half the fruit were treated with 1-MCP at a concentration of approximately 1 ppm. Treated and nontreated fruit were diviede into six lots. One lot from treated and nontreated fruit was left to ripen at room temperature (22 0C). The remaining five lots of treated and nontreated fruit were placed in refrigerated air storage at 0 0C. The ontogeny of volatile production was determined by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry immediately following harvest and following each storage removal date. Aroma production was measured every three to four days while holding at room temperature. The time required for aroma production to begin and for peak biosynthesis to occur was determined. After harvest, nontreated fruit required approximately 10 days to begin synthesizing aroma volatiles, treated fruit required 33 days. Aroma production peaked after 25 days at room temperature for nontreated fruit, while those treated with 1-MCP required more than 46 days. After one month in cold storage, nontreated fruit were already producing moderate amounts of aroma volatiles at the time of removal, while treated fruit had no aroma production. We did not detect unusual volatile compounds produced as a result of 1-MCP treatment.