
Incidence of blossom end rot and fruit firmness of tomato as affected by irrigation quantity and Ca source

M.D. Taylor, S.J. Locascio, and M.R. Alligood

Annual Meeting of the Florida State Horticultural Society. 115: 2002. pp. 211-214.



Incidence of Blossom End Rot and Fruit Firmness of Tomato as Affected by Irrigation Quantity and Ca Source

‘Equinox’ tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) were grown with black polyethylene mulch and drip irrigation on arredondo fine sand in gainesville to study the influence of water quantity and Ca source on fruit firmness and the incidence of blossom end rot fruit (BER).Water quantities were controlled with tensiometers used to automatically schedule irrigation when soil matric potential reached 10 or 25 kPa (10 or 25 kPa (10 or 25 cb).Calcium treatments included no added Ca Ca(No3)2, CaSO4 , and K rate reduced by 50% from 168 to 84 kg-ha-1 (with no added Ca).Marketable friut from plants irrigated at 25 kPa were significantly firmer than the fruit from plants irrigated at 10 kPa with all Ca treatments except with reduced K. Fruit firmness was lower and similar with both water treatments with reduced K than with all other Ca treatments at 25 kpa had a 100% higher total weight and number of BER fruit than plants irigated at 10 kPa.Tomato plants that received Ca(No3 )2 , and CaCI2 , than with Ca thiossulfate.